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Cavitation-Lipo FAQs


La Ritz Spa & Salon La Ritz Spa & Salon

Average Cost of Cavitation Lipo Treatment?

An introductory cost of a Cavi-Lipo would be about $150 however, it would eventually rise to $200 depending on the package that you have chosen.

Cavi-Lipo Cost per Treatment/Session

A session or treatment of Cavi-Lipo would cost you around $150 but may vary depending on the area that is being targeted, the health facility that is conducting, and the number of sessions that would take until desired results are achieved.

Cavi-Lipo Treatments: How Many Sessions are Needed?

Cavi-Lipo is a procedure ideally for slimming and reshaping some areas of your body where body fat is present. It helps sculpts your body but put in mind that this procedure is not an alternative for weight-loss procedures or an alternative way to escape from obesity. A recommended treatment of a Cavi-Lipo treatment would be one (1) session per 4-5 days and not less than 6 to 10 sessions. But sessions depends on the desired results on the person being treated.

Cavitation Lipo Price List

Please take note the sessions needed may vary depending on the personal results of the client.

Abdomen per session $200

6 Recommended Sessions ($1000)

​Flanks per session $200

6 Recommended Sessions ($1000)

​Thighs per session $200

6 Recommended Sessions ($1000)

Visit check-out for other area and price points.

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