Ultrasound Cavitation Treatment Agreement

A drawing of a gold orchid flower on a white background.

Ultrasound Cavitation Treatment Agreement

Kindly Complete the Ultrasound Cavitation Treatment Agreement Form

Fees. All costs are payable in-full prior to initial treatment and are non-refundable. Payments must be completed for entire package price (1, 3, 6, 9 or 12 sessions) on first visit to receive package discount. Packages once purchased and treatment initiated are non-refundable.

A drawing of a gold orchid flower on a white background.



Disclosure. This treatment is a process and subsequent visits may be necessary in order to achieve the desired results. Subsequent visits are subject to additional charges per visit which depend on the amount of work needed. Actual results vary from person to person and Ideal Health Center does not guarantee any specific result. The Ultrasound Cavitation treatment carries with it possible health complications and consequences, which include but might not be limited to the risk of kidney failure, liver failure, pacemaker failure, birth defect, miscarriage, thyroid damage, damage to the ovaries, lactation complications, hyper-triglyceridemia, hypercholesterolemia, pancreatitis, infection, scarring and/or allergic reaction to any products used, excessive thirst, dehydration, nausea. The Ultrasound Cavitation treatment includes, but is not limited to, the use of high-power low-frequency ultrasound cavitation which uses 40KHz frequency ultrasound to penetrate the skin and assist with the breakdown of fat cells by creating micro-bubbles that increase the pressure around the adipocyte and force it to implode, thus breaking down adipocyte’s cell membrane.

After Care. After care instructions must be followed explicitly, whether given in writing or orally. Failure to follow after care instructions may compromise the final results of the treatment.

Before, During and After Pictures. Before, during and after pictures or videos may be taken to document the treatment. These pictures or videos become Ideal Health Center sole property and may only be used for its legitimate business purposes.

Release. I recognize that there are certain inherent risks associated with the above-described treatment and I assume full responsibility for personal injury to myself. In exchange for such treatment, I hereby fully release and forever discharge Ideal Health Center (including its officers, members, owners, employees and agents) from any and all damages, costs, expenses, liabilities, causes of action, claims and demands, of whatever character, in law or in equity, whether known or unknown, direct or indirect, asserted or unasserted, and whether or not on account of myself, Ideal Health Center or other third parties, or in any way arising out of the above described treatment I have requested Ideal Health Center perform. It is the intention of the parties that this agreement binds all parties whose claims may arise out of or relate to the treatment or services provided by Ideal Health Center including any spouse or heirs of the client/patient and any children, whether born or unborn. Any legal or equitable claim that may arise from participation in the treatment shall be resolved under Georgia law.

I agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Ideal Health Center (including its officers, members, owners, employees and agents) against all third-party claims, causes of action, damages, judgments, costs or expenses, including attorneys’ fees and other litigation costs, which may in any way arise from the above described treatment I have requested Ideal Health Center perform. 

Arbitration. It is understood that any dispute arising as to malpractice of the Ultrasound Cavitation treatment shall be decided by a neutral arbitrator. Any arbitration proceeding will be governed by Florida’s arbitration statute, the fees for the arbitrator will be split pro-rata among the parties and each party will be responsible for their own attorneys’ fees and costs. Any action to collect fees from the client/patient for the treatments performed may be brought in any court located in Florida and the prevailing party in such collection action shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs. Filing of any action in any court to collect any fee from the client/patient shall not waive the right to compel arbitration of any malpractice claim. . It is understood that any dispute arising as to malpractice of the Ultrasound Cavitation treatment shall be decided by a neutral arbitrator. Any arbitration proceeding will be governed by Florida’s arbitration statute, the fees for the arbitrator will be split pro-rata among the parties and each party will be responsible for their own attorneys’ fees and costs. Any action to collect fees from the client/patient for the treatments performed may be brought in any court located in Florida and the prevailing party in such collection action shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs. Filing of any action in any court to collect any fee from the client/patient shall not waive the right to compel arbitration of any malpractice claim. 

By signing this agreement I confirm that I am over the age of 18, I understand that the Ultrasound Cavitation procedure is permanent, that such procedure has possible adverse consequences and that the procedure is for cosmetic purposes only. I certify that I have read the above paragraphs; fully understand this consent and procedure form and herby consent to the indicated procedure(s). This means that I accept full responsibility for these and/or any other complications which may arise or result during or following the Ultrasound Cavitation procedure which is to be performed at my request according to this agreement and I herby agree to arbitration of any malpractice claim. I further understand that by signing this agreement, I surrender certain legal rights.

Financial Policy:

Thank you for selecting Idea Health Center for your cosmetic needs. We are honored to be of service to you. This is to inform you of our billing requirements and financial policy. Please be advised that payment for all services is due at the time services are rendered. We require full payment for the visit prior to being seen by our cavitation technician. We accept Check, Credit Card, Debit and Cash. All forms of payment are immediately run through an electronic processing system and immediately deposited into electronic transfer system. In the event this account is referred to an agency for collections or if an electronic check is returned you agree to be responsible for all returned fees including any collections costs, collection’s agency and/or attorneys fees used for collection. 


(Prior to starting your first session and during treatment process)

  • Prior to starting your first session and during each 3-day period of treatment, we recommend you drink 2-3 liters of water. Water and hydration is key to this process being effective.
  • To maximize the effectiveness of your session, it is best to restrict products that impact lymphatic flow (i.e. caffeine, alcohol and sugar in large amounts) during the process.
  • We recommend eating a healthy diet to enhance the process. If you are on one of our specialized nutrition/diet loss plans you are all set. If not, we can provide a recommendation sheet for ideal
  • eating during the process, if you want to maximize results.
  • We recommend exercise to stimulate lymphatic flow. This includes low impact workouts, swimming, jogging and or cycling during this process. Even brisk walking will help.
  • We recommend no more than one body area per lymphatic area and maximum of 30 min of ultrasound time for maximum results. Treatments can be done a minimum of 72 hours apart.
  • Please always discuss with your Physician before beginning any new Health & Diet Program. Always inform us if you have a change in health status or experience any unusual symptoms during your program.

If you should become pregnant during this process please inform us immediately.

  • You can have Ultrasonic Cavitation during your Menstrual Cycle but it is recommended to avoid the abdomen as you will not see the same results due to bloating.
  • • Please inform us immediately if you have a change of health during your program that was not indicated on the intake form.
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